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Updated: Feb 20, 2024



Steps which are linked together to form a short sequence


The feet are joined together in the air


The movement is sustained or held


A smooth, softened bending of one knee


The feet escape or move away from each other


A strong snatch onto the demi-pointe keeping the toes in contact with the floor


A body alignment meaning crossed. The front foot is nearest the audience


A body alignment meaning open. The back foot is nearest the audience


A dancing position on one leg with the other on the ground or lifted

A Terre

The working foot remains on the ground

En L'air

The working foot is lifted off the ground

Pas de Chat

A step where the dancer springs into the air in a catlike manner

Technical Questions:

How would you stand at the start of your ballet class? - In first position. My legs pulled up. My back straight. My centre pulled in and my shoulders relaxed

How does a battement fondu exercise help the dancer? - It helps the dancer to achieve a soft and cushion like landing

How should we place the hands and the arms during a first arabesque a Terre? - The palms of the hands are turned to the ground. One arm is forward above the shoulder level and opposite the eye line. The other is to the side and slightly back

What are the 3 body alignments that you learn in this grade? - Croise, en face and ouverte



The step is glided

Ronds de jambe

The working leg creates a circle or round shape

En dehors

Outwardly – the working leg moves away from the working leg

En dedans

Inwardly – the working leg moves towards the supporting leg


The working foot draws up to touch the supporting leg with the toe pointed then returns to the floor


A dancing position on one leg with the raised leg curved


A sliding movement where one foot chases the other

En avant

Travelling forward

En arriere

Travelling backwards


A transference of weight with the accent on the first step

De cote

To Travel Sideways


A spring into the air from 3rd of 5th without changing the feet

Pas de Bourree

A running step taken from French Folk dances

Sur Place

A step performed on the spot

Technical Questions:

How is a battement tendu different from a battement ? - Ina tendu the working foot stays connected to the floor, in a glisse the working foot leaves the floor just enough to fully stretch the foot

What is the difference in the placement of the working leg during pirouettes and retires? - In retire the working foot id placed at the side of crease of the knee. In a pirouette it is placed at the front of the knee

What is the difference between an attitude and an arabesque arm line? - In an arabesque the arms are straight, in an attitude they are curved

What is the difference between a saute and a soubresaut? - A saute is taken from first and a soubresaut is from 3rd or 5th



To strike the floor with the foot

Sur le cou-de-pied

When the working foot is placed on the ankle or the neck of the foot


A slow unfolding and holding of the working leg


The working leg is whipped to the next position


An extension of the shoulder line

A deux bras

Both arms used together

Temps lie

Linked. Steps are linked together by a transference of weight.


A spin on one foot

Technical Questions:

What is the importance of Temps Lie? - It teaches how to smoothly transfer the weight from one foot to the other

How else might you describe an attitude a deux bras? - Arms in 5th position

Name three things we must remember when demonstrating a pirouette? - To spot with the eyes, to have a strong supporting leg and be fully pulled up in the core

Which way would you turn in a pirouette en dehors? - Away from the supporting leg



A step of elevation taking off from 2 feet and landing on one or both. A scissor action


To close. The feet finish together in a closed position


To Beat. A beating action of the legs


Interweave. A jump in the air when the legs cross and recross


Four. Four interweaving actions. Two with each leg

Technical Questions:

How high should a battement glisse be? - Just off the floor - high enough to fully stretch the working foot

which part of the foot should move first during a pivot? - The heel should lift and move either forwards or backwards depending on the step to follow

What qualities should you be showing during adage? - Slow graceful movements, showing balance and control and continuity of movement

Why is it important that the demi plie is used at the start and end of batterie? - it helps to achieve a high jump and a secure and controlled landing.



To turn away - the body turns simultaneously with a releve action towards the back foot

Grand Battement en Cloche

A big beating action like a bell. A dynamic action in which the working leg swings forwards and backwards like a pendulum

Pas de Bourree Pique

Bourree step picked - has a sharp picked up quality


A cutting step - a form of transfer of weight in which one foot cuts away the other


Running step - a series of very small rapid, even steps, performed on demi pointe or en pointe


Musical composition or movement in allegro tempo. Allegro movements explore agility and mobility, developing speed and precision of footwork

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